Thursday, October 20, 2011

Unit 1: Talk about events in the past

Elisabet: Did I ever tell you about my 18th's birthday party?

Berta: No, when was that?

Elisabet: Oh, it was ten years ago now. I've got some photos.

Berta: Really??? Can I see?

Elisabet: Of course!

Berta: Were there many people there?

Elisabet: There were about a hundred of us.

Berta: Did you have a good time?

Elisabet: Yes, we did. We all had a great time! The best part was at the end of the day, when the sun set down...

Berta: What happened then?

Elisabet: Mmm... I met a nice boy. He was a very good person with me this day, and he was the most important person of my life. We spent all the days together until today. He is your grandpa!

Berta: Oh, I'm sure that it was a very important day for you and for him, almost the best of your life, isn't it?

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